The Church is more than a building. On this website you are very welcome to find out more about our lively three church communities. Why not have a browse, or get in touch for a chat. We offer a warm reception and an ability to listen, along with support for the wider community.
Our vision is to build our Church into a vibrant and confident community which will grow as we share together in worshipping, praying, caring and serving.
Fathers Matthew, Andy and Peter and our parishioners
The Grapevine Issue 5
The latest version of Grapevine (Issue 5) focuses on young people, women, pilgrimage and inclusion. Read online either as a PDF or Flipbook. For more information visit The Grapevine.
Welcome Space
The Welcome Space resume on Wednesday 4 September from 11am. Come along for a cuppa and enjoy crafts, games and more.
3 Churches Liturgy Group
The group will meet Wednesday 4 September to discuss arrangements over autumn, Advent and Christmas, as well as general liturgical issues. Contact Canon Matthew, Anne Burns or Elizabeth Taylor if you would like an issue discussed.
Prayer Link
This month’s prayer link meeting is on Saturday 7 September 10am to 11am at St Faith’s Church, Morris Avenue. All are welcome to attend for all or part of the informal session.
For more events, activities, further information and latest mass times or changes check the latest 3 churches newsletter.
More news
Live streams from our churches
You can view live video streams from St Brigid’s and Christ the King churches below.
Useful links
Wednesday Word for younger parishioners