Circle of friends

Circle of friends logo

The Circle of Friends was set up in May 2007. Its purpose is to provide a social network for people who are on their own for whatever reason.

Aims of the group

  • to encourage the social involvement of members in a variety of activities and provide the opportunity to meet people in similar circumstances
  • to support various charities within the Parish and elsewhere.


The circle meets in the Three Arches at Rhydypennau on the second Monday of the month (excluding August and December) at 7.30 pm.

There is an informal committee which includes a Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and members.

A full calendar of social events is organised by members:  these include a Book Club, Walking Group, Cinema Group, Coffee Mornings, Trips and Pub Quiz Team.

Members pay a small annual subscription to cover expenses so that the group is self-financing.


The group is under the pastoral guidance of Canon Matthew Jones, Parish Priest at our 3 Churches.  If you would like to learn more about the Circle of Friends,  please contact Sue Peat on 02920 762 358.  We look forward to hearing from you.