If you are concerned about the welfare of a child or adult at risk, do not delay in contacting the police, using 999 if a child or adult is believed to be in immediate danger.
About safeguarding
Safeguarding is about protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and neglect.
A child is a person under the age of 18 and a vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 or over who may need community care services because of a physical or mental disability, age or illness. A person is also considered vulnerable if they are unable to look after themselves, protect themselves from harm or exploitation or are unable to report abuse.
Abuse can be mental, physical or sexual and can be current or historic.
Our commitment
At the 3 Churches in Cardiff, we are committed to the safeguarding policies of the Catholic Church in England and Wales; to protect children and vulnerable adults from neglect, physical, emotional and sexual abuse and to promote a safe environment for them.
The parish safeguarding representatives will liaise closely with the Diocesan Office on safeguarding to ensure that any allegations of abuse that may occur are promptly reported, and properly managed.
It is the policy of the Diocese that all those who work with children and vulnerable adults are officially checked and cleared through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
Safeguarding representatives
Safeguarding representatives have been appointed in each of our 3 Churches. If you have any queries regarding safeguarding you should contact one of the representatives shown below.
If you are undertaking any volunteer role at our 3 Churches, you should contact one of the safeguarding representatives. They will establish if you will be required to undertake a DBS check for the role. They can also provide forms, advice and support in completing the process. Examples of the roles for which DBS checks may be required, include altar servers, catechists, junior club helpers, children’s liturgy team, eucharistic ministers and bereavement team visiting people in their homes, Faith and Light helpers, mother and toddler. This list is not exhaustive.
St Brigid’s
Pat Williams
Email: patriciamary1950@gmail.com
Phone: 02920 617374
St Paul’s
Carl French
Email: carlhfrench@gmail.com
Phone: 02920 754418
Christ the King
Nirupa A D’Souza
Email: cksafeguarding@3churches.org
Phone: 07714 212006
Safeguarding office for Archdiocese of Cardiff
Matthew Smith
Email: matthew.smith@rcadc.org or safeguarding@rcadc.org
Phone: 02920 365960 or 07928 399241