Tag Archives: Easter

The week of Holiness

Next week Palm Sunday (24 March 2024) sees the beginning of Holy Week, the very heart of the Church’s year. We come together to remember, celebrate and share the very central events of our faith as we follow Jesus through the last week of his life on Earth.  Please make a very special effort to be present and help us all celebrate this Week of Holiness. This is how you can take part:

Palm Sunday – 24 March 2024
Parish Mass, 9.30am at Christ the King.
Parish Mass, 10.30am at St Brigid’s starting with a procession from the hall.
Both with palms blessed and distributed.
Stations of the Cross, 4pm at Christ the King.

Monday 25 March 2024
Parish Mass, 9.30am at St Brigid’s with morning prayer at 9.10am.
Passover Meal, 7pm at St Brigid’s Hall.
Come and experience the ancient roots of the Mass.

Tuesday 26 March 2024
Parish Mass, 9.30am at Christ the King with morning prayer at 9.10am.
Chrism Mass, 11.30am at the Cathedral. Join people and priests from all over the diocese as the sacramental oils for the year are blessed and priests’ promises renewed.

Wednesday 27 March 2024
Parish Mass, 9.30am at St Paul’s.

Thursday 28 March 2024
3 Churches Maundy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 8pm at Christ the King.
Watching at the Altar of Repose in the parish centre until midnight.

Good Friday – 29 March 2024
Morning Prayer, 10am at Christ the King.
Commemoration of the Passion and Death of Our Lord, 3pm at Christ the King (with children’s liturgy) and St Paul’s.

Holy Saturday – 30 March 2024
Holy Saturday, 10am Morning Prayer at Christ the King.
3 Churches Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter, 8.30pm St Brigid’s.
No Saturday evening mass at Christ the King.

Easter Sunday – 31 March 2024
Easter Sunday Masses at usual times.

Note clocks go forward one hour for summer time on 31 March.

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Against the background of pandemic and Ukraine among other things we may find it hard to greet one another with these words. But we must dig down into the roots of our faith that we celebrate on this Feast of the Resurrection. Deep down below the painful and the appalling, to reach the Good News planted in the depths of our human experience by the Jesus who burst out of the tomb on this day. May he shine his Easter light in all our lives so brightly that it shines out through our faces, our hearts, and our lives into our world. So… yes… Happy Easter!

Fr Matthew

Happy Easter

Dear friends and parishioners,

A very joyful and peace-filled Easter to you all! We have the added joy of welcoming the parish communities back to Mass – according to current restrictions of course! It is springtime, a season of new beginnings, new life.

Easter cross

May the season, the reopening, and most of all, the Risen Christ bring you and your loved ones a new spring in your step, a glint in your eyes, and a joy in your faith.

Happy Easter – and welcome back!

Fr Matthew

Service sheets for Holy Week 2021

As the 3 Churches Triduum services are live streamed only this year, the Liturgy Group considered that it would enable parishioners to participate more fully in the services if a service sheet, which included the words of hymns to be sung, was produced for each of the services of the Triduum.
You can download the service sheets for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil below:
After the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday (8pm), the streaming camera will remain on for virtual watching until 10.30pm.
For the Good Friday liturgy you are asked to have a crucifix near at hand and also, if you are able, to send a prayer of intercession to Fr Matthew (matthew.jones@rcadc.org) before the day. These prayers will be read out by the priests during the time of Veneration of the Cross.

For the Easter Vigil you are asked to have a bowl of water and a candle to hand.
Please join in as much as you are able, then, although we are not together physically for Holy Week this year, we will be together in spirit.