Tag Archives: Easter

Easter message from Fr Matthew

Corona Virus – Help a Parishioner If you are well and able to do so, please think about offering help to our older and more vulnerable parishioners who may need help and assistance during this uncertain time.  

Dear parishioners and friends of our 3 Churches:

The BBC phoned today to make sure I am still OK to do “Wednesday Word” this week. This radio “”god slot” always has to be about something relevant to life. But life is somewhat dominated by one thing at the moment, isn’t it? Anxious not to repeat what the previous few weeks contributors have said, the producer told me she’d send their scripts to me, so I wouldn’t repeat their words! But what can we say to bring Easter to bear on this situation?

Yes, today and throughout this week and season we are invited to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We search in the gloom of a pandemic, in the problems of isolation, in the gasps of ventilators and tears of the bereaved for glimmers of light. Can we find light? As Christians we must give a resounding “yes”! Christ remains with us – yes! He is the light, he calls us to be the light – yes! Easter is not always a dazzling flash, it can be a gentle murmuring of Jesus in our hearts
“I am with you”, or a gentle word from us to another, over the phone – or Zoom, Skype, FaceView or a card – “I am with you.”

Dear friends – He IS with you, with us – Yes, do have a happy and peaceful Easter!

Fr Matthew

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for Easter (year C), 2019

Priest: Dear friends, we have reflected on the story of our salvation and renewed our baptismal promises. Now we offer our prayers to the Father with hearts full of hope.

Reader: Let us pray for all those who have come into full communion with the Church on this holy night. On Easter morning, we welcome in baptism Harry Oliver Biggs and we pray for his family and community of Christ the King as they share their faith with him……..Pause

Father, in your love, hear our prayer.

We pray for peace and reconciliation wherever they are most needed……. Pause

Father, in your love, hear our prayer.

Let us pray that the Church may always be an active influence in the world to care for the poor and overlooked; and for those who are enslaved by people or addiction…. Pause

Father, in your love, hear our prayer.

We pray for Cora Carroll who died earlier this week. She was a long and faithful member of St Brigid’s with her sisters Maureen and Teresa and our thoughts are with her family and friends. We remember all who have died in recent months: may those who mourn find strength for the future in the light of Easter…. Pause

Father, in your love, hear our prayer.

Let us be quiet for a few moments, in the joy of God’s love for us…….Longer pause…..(No response)

Let us share in the joy and prayer of Our Lady as we say:

O Queen of Heaven rejoice, alleluia,

For the Son whom you merited to bear, alleluia,

Has risen as He said, alleluia;

Pray to God for us, alleluia,

Rejoice and be glad. O Virgin Mary, alleluia

Because the Lord is truly risen, alleluia!

Priest: Creator God, risen Son, Holy Spirit: grant us, if it be your will, what we ask as your loving children. Amen.