Tag Archives: bidding prayers

Bidding prayers for Sunday 17 April 2022 (Easter)

CELEBRANT – Gathered together on this great feast day remembering that the Lord is truly risen. We offer these prayers to God Our Father.

READER – We pray for the Church, may Christians everywhere rejoice in the resurrection of Christ. We especially pray for Ioan Davies, who has been received into the Church this Easter. We also rejoice in the baptisms of Cathy and Jessica Moore at this time.

READER – Lord Hear Us

RESPONSE – Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER – May the Risen Christ bring peace and reconciliation to war-torn countries.

READER – Lord Hear Us

RESPONSE – Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER That we as individuals bring the light of Christ to our parishes and play a more active role in strengthening and enhancing these communities.

READER Lord Hear Us

RESPONSE Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER – For those who have passed through death and into new life. We pray for Brendan Murphy, brother of Marie O’Brien, Howard Lingham, Jack Minto and Ann Warner

READER Lord Hear Us

RESPONSE Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER In quietness we stand before the Father in all our frailty, carrying all our needs and the needs of others that we know.

READER – Lord Hear Us

RESPONSE – Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER – We ask Mary the mother of Jesus to pray with us as we say Hail Mary……

CELEBRANT – Father with love and gratitude in our hearts we ask you to change our darkness into light, doubt into faith and weakness into strength. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Bidding prayers for Palm Sunday (10 April 2022)

Priest: Brothers and sisters, let us pray to God who saves us.

Reader: As we begin Holy Week, we pray for the Church and for all who take up the cross as followers of Christ.


Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for the courage never to be afraid to speak up for justice.

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for peace in our troubled world.

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for people who feel tired and weary from the struggles of life .

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for the sick and for all who care for them .

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for all those who have died in our 3 Churches, remembering especially Ann Warner of Christ the King, who has died recently.

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We turn to Mary, the Mother of God, and ask for her prayers as we say; Hail Mary…

In silence, we pray for our own needs and intentions.

Priest: God of our salvation, your love for the world has no end: hear the prayers your faithful people make, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Bidding prayers for 4th Sunday in Lent (27 March 2022)

Priest:  We come together as pilgrims on our Lenten journey, and we ask the Lord to hear our prayers for the world and for our community.

Reader: The response is;

Lord, graciously hear us

In these uncertain times we pray for those affected by war and famine: we think of the anxious parents of hungry children in North Africa, and the frightened families living in Ukraine.   … … … pause …

Lord hear us

Here at home we pray for our young people who have had a difficult time through the pandemic. May they grow in confidence recognising how much they are valued by society and by the church, and may they generously play their part   … … … pause …

Lord hear us

And we pray for Ceris Dartnell and Adam Williams who were married today / yesterday in Christ the King.  May their lives be filled with joy and peace…… pause

Lord hear us

We remember Frank Callus whose funeral will take place this week.  Frank was a long standing and loved member of our parish.  He contributed so much to the life of the Parish; and to the lives of young people in the area through his role as a teacher.  May he rest in peace, and may Molly and his family be comforted.  … pause

Lord hear us

In silence let us ask God for our needs and the needs of our friends and families………… ………..long pause……………. 

Lord hear us 

We ask Mary, the other of our Lord, to join her prayers to ours saying;

Hail Mary………….

Priest:  We have put our petitions before the Lord. Let us remember that he is with us and will support us as we go about our daily lives.  We ask this through Jesus Your Son who lives in glory with you and the Holy Spirit forever.

Prayers of the faithful for all masses (13 March 2022)

Celebrant: As we reach the two year mark of the coronavirus pandemic, the world’s needs have changed and as Christians, we turn to god in times of fear and uncertainty as we do in times of joy and celebration. We turn to you now Father with our fears and needs.

We pray for our Holy Father Pope francis and all leaders of our church. Give them the courage and determination to show compassion and care for all people of the world. Help amd guide those who are making decisions that affect the lives and futures of our families and communities. We pray that they communicate clearly and truthfully with each other and those they serve.


Jesus, during Your ministry on earth You showed Your power and caring by healing all people. Be present for those who need Your loving touch because of COVID and may they feel the power of Your healing through the work of medical staff, carers and their families.


Take away the fear, anxiety and feelings of isolation from people receiving treatment or quarantining. Give them a sense of purpose in pursuing health and protecting others from exposure to the disease. Protect their families and friends and bring peace to all who love them.


3. Pray for all who are experiencing depression, anxiety, loneliness and bereavement because of the pandemic. Guide people in their new realities and help those who are struggling to recognise their need to find help. Prompt worn out parents to speak words of kindness and encouragement to their children and help our children and young people to find ways to talk with loved ones about their fears and anxieties.


Lord, watch over and protect the members of our three churches community who have struggled over the last two years through loss, illness, uncertainty and isolation. Let them feel your presence in their lives and renew their courage asnd help those who turn to you for guidance and support. We are grateful for all those who continue to work each day so that others are able to resume their normal lives. Help each one of us to accept the responsibility for the lives of our community.


We ask you Lord to look with love and compassion on our brothers and sisters who are living in countries where there is unrest and injustice. We think especially of those who have been forced to leave their country, their homes and their families to seek peace and safety in other countries and we pray that they will find people welcoming and accepting of them wherever they settle.


As Mary comforted Jesus, we ask now that she take the prayers of theis broken struggling world to her Son as we say… Hail Mary…..

We pause for a moment to think about the struggles and hardships of the last two years and we pray for those things that affect us directly.


Celebrant: Jesus, we thank you for Your faithfulness in guiding and equipping people during times of such difficulty. As people around the world feel the strain during the ongoing uncertainty, bring them comfort and peace, reminding them that You are there for them. All our prayers we ask through Jesus our Lord. Amen.




Bidding prayers for 1st Sunday of Lent (6 March 2022)

PRIEST:  As we begin our Lenten journey, we turn in prayer to God, our Father, asking for His help as we prepare to celebrate the Resurrection at Easter.

READER.  We pray for the Church, that she may be a sign of God’s light and goodness in our world and a beacon of hope for the suffering and vulnerable.

PAUSE   Lord, in your mercy       rsp.    Hear our prayer.

READER.  Let us pray for Pope Francis’ Intention namely that Christians facing new bioethical challenges, may continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer and action.

PAUSE:  Lord, in your mercy                    Hear our prayer.

READER. Today the Rite of Election takes place in the Cathedral. Let us pray for all those preparing to enter the Church at Easter, that they will continue to grow in Faith in the years ahead and become valued members of the Church community.

PAUSE:  Lord, in your mercy                   Hear our prayer.

READER 4.  We continue to pray for the people of   Ukraine in their time of great need.  May their tremendous courage and love for their country shown in their fight for democracy be rewarded by continuing support from the free world.

PAUSE:   Lord, in your mercy                  Hear our prayer.

READER.  Friday is Family Fast Day. Let us pray for the work of CAFOD in many of the poor countries of the world and give generously to the appeal next weekend.

PAUSE:    Lord, in your mercy                 Hear our prayer.

READER.   Let us pray for the sick, lonely and bereaved in our 3 churches that they may be given help and strength to persevere in their lives.

 PAUSE:   Lord.in your mercy                Hear our prayer.

READER.     We pray for the souls of those who have died recently, Pat McConnell and Ken Camilleri, whose funerals take place this week. Also, for Alan Jones husband of Denise and also for Frank Callus who has died this weekend. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families

PAUSE:   Lord, in your mercy                Hear our prayer.

We now ask Our Blessed Lady to make these intercessions her own as we say HAIL MARY……

In a few moments of quiet reflection, we bring our personal needs and requests to God, our Loving Father.


PRIEST:  Merciful Father, accept all our prayers and grant what is good for us so that we may come closer to you in this Lenten season. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen


Bidding prayers for 7th Sunday of year C (20 February 2022)

Priest: As we suffer the troubles of our world, we turn to our heavenly Father and pray that the Church may be a sign of hope and light.

Reader: The response to our prayers is “Hear our prayer”

  1. As we walk the synodal pathway, may we be generous in sharing openly and listening to each other and the Holy Spirit, so that the Church is purified and increasingly shows the truth and beauty of Your presence in the world.


Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

  1. Keep us safe from war, and enter into the minds and hearts of those who plot it, so that they constructively follow the paths of diplomacy and seek justice and peace.


Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer. 

  1. We pray for those who have suffered death, injury, or damage and lost homes during the recent storms. May they quickly find the help and support they need.


Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.


  1. We pray for Pat McConnell, Michael Matthews and Rita Watts who have died recently. May they, and all our relatives and friends who have died these last years, be welcomed into the joy of your heavenly kingdom. May those who grieve their loss hold fast to the knowledge that their lives are changed, not ended, and thatbtheir love for those they have left is as strong as ever.


Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

  1. We pray for those we know who are sick that they may find healing, and we pray also for those who care for them, that they may have the skills and compassion to bring that healing and to support their families.


Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

            In the silence of our hearts we pray for all the other needs we are aware of.


We ask Mary to join our prayers to her own, us as we say:

Hail Mary ….

Priest: Heavenly Father, hear our petitions as we cry from the depths of our hearts. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ, Our lord.
