Tag Archives: mass times

Mass timetable change

Dear friends and parishioners

Along with the rest of Britain, we are slowly trying to return to some form of normality. From Thursday 17 and Friday 18 June, we will return to our previous weekday Mass timetable, with Thursday morning at Christ the King, Thursday evening at St Brigid’s (live-streamed) and Friday morning at St Paul’s.

Fr Matthew

Mass times (part II)

In the last newsletter, we announced that next weekend, the Feast of Christ the King, we will move from our summer schedule to our new permanent timetable for weekend Masses.


Saturday 6.00pm Christ the King
Sunday 9.00am St Paul
9.00am Christ the King
11.00am St Brigid
6.00pm St Brigid
This week: some consequences
Confessions St Brigid’s Saturday 10.00-10.30 as at present
Christ the King Saturday 5.30pm
St Paul Friday before or after 9.30am Mass


We will keep under review the preferred times and locations for the Sacrament of Baptism.


Next year there will be one celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation for our 3 Churches on Friday 17 June.

First Holy Communion

Timetables for this are being worked out at the moment.


Now that we have a permanent timetable, where times or locations have changed, I ask those who have exercised any ministry but now attend a different Mass, please let the coordinator of that ministry know so that you can become part of the team in the new Mass. Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, welcomers, intercessions writers, altar servers, musicians and singers – all should feel welcome in all our celebrations.

So please remember, next weekend some of our Mass times change slightly. At St Brigid’s 11am we will welcome children and staff from our parishes’ primary school, Christ the King, who will take part in the various ministries etc. On Youth Sunday, as it has been nominated by the Bishops, all young people are especially invited to that Mass, including students from Corpus Christi and other high schools, other primary schools etc.

Mass times

On the weekend of Sunday 22nd November, the Feast of Christ the King, we will move from our summer schedule to our new permanent timetable for weekend Masses.

  • Saturday 6.00pm at Christ the King
  • Sunday 9.00am at St Paul
  • Sunday 9.00am Christ the King
  • Sunday 11.00am at St Brigid
  • Sunday 6.00pm at St Brigid

As you see, the times are an adjusted version of the summer schedule. I am enormously grateful to all those who have shared their thoughts on this matter, and I am aware, of course, that there may be some disappointments. Be assured that this decision has involved much prayer as well as listening. Some brief reflections:

Saturday 6.00pm – seems a better time to balance people’s afternoon and evening commitments. Sunday 9.00am – we are constrained by the availability of Fr Gareth Leyshon to help us. To keep Christ the King at 8.30 seems too early for one Sunday Mass.
Sunday 11.00am – moved from 10.30 as it is increasingly difficult for me to get from St Paul’s or Christ the King in time, and give due pastoral time at those churches plus appropriate Mass preparation at St Brigid’s. This Mass will be developed over coming weeks and months, involving cooperation between our 3 Churches in areas such as Children’s Liturgy and music. We can, I’m sure, work together to celebrate a truly alive liturgy, that will bring together, among others, families, children and young people in particular. To mark this new beginning, our primary school will this year join us at St Brigid’s at 11am on their feast day of Christ the King, Sunday 22nd November.

So that is the date to remember – Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd November, the Feast of Christ the King, the days that the new Mass times come in. Again, many thanks for your prayers and cooperation over the past weeks.

Fr Matthew