Tag Archives: bidding prayers

Bidding prayers for 6th Sunday of Year (13 February 2022)

PRIEST: Putting our trust in the Lord let us now place before Him our prayers for the

Church, the world and ourselves.

1  As we continue our Synodal journey let us pray that we will all take this opportunity to speak up openly and honestly and to listen to each other attentively as we share our lived experiences of Church life.

Loving Father in whom we put our trust, Hear our prayer

2  We pray for our political leaders – that they will lead and govern us with honesty and integrity.


Loving Father in whom we put our trust, Hear our prayer

3  On this Racial Justice Sunday, aware that we are all “in the image and likeness of God” let us pray for those who are experiencing any kind of discrimination, segregation or oppression whether in the Church or in society.

Loving Father in whom we put our trust, Hear our prayer

4  Let us pray that each one of us will be given the strength and courage to accept the challenges and blessings of the Beatitudes

Loving Father in whom we put our trust, Hear our prayer

5  We pray for the success of our new 3 Churches initiative – ‘Living Faith’. May those who are sharing their faith stories inspire and encourage those of us who are listening.

Loving Father in whom we put our trust, Hear our prayer

6  Let us now spend a few moments in silent prayer, bringing to the Lord our personal needs and intentions.

7  And we ask Mary, our mother, to intercede for us in our prayers today as we say, Hail Mary….

PRIEST: God our loving Father we ask you to hear our prayers; those we have spoken and those still in our hearts and grant what we need. We ask this through your Son, Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Bidding prayers for 5th Sunday of year C (6 February 2022)

CELEBRANT: In faith and with confidence we offer these prayers to the Father.

 READER: As the global Church moves through the Synodal Process. Give her the courage to move through deep unchartered waters with honesty, respect and  transparency.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: That politicians treat the public whom they serve with decency and respect.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us           

READER: That each of us responds to the call of Jesus in our own special way.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: For the sick, the anxious and fearful that they feel God is with them, carrying them, leading them in love.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: For those who have died, that the Lord may lead them safely home. We pray especially for Michael Mathews and Pat McConnell, both long-time parishioners of Christ the King who have died this week.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: In quietness we place before God our Father our own personal prayers.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: We ask Mary the mother of Jesus to pray with us as we say… Hail Mary…

CELEBRANT: Father we place these petitions before you through your son Jesus Christ our Lord



Bidding prayers for 4th Sunday in Ordinary time (30 January 2022)

Priest: We turn to the Lord, our help and our refuge, and ask him for all we need.

Reader: We pray for the success of the Catholic Synod; that our community will participate so as to enable progress and understanding in our Church.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for the people of Tonga, as they continue to struggle following the volcanic eruption and Tsunami: may they be given the strength and assistance they need to begin to recover and rebuild their lives.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for the gift of love: that we may love one another as Jesus has loved us and radiate warmth and friendliness to those around us.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us. 

 Reader: We pray for the sick, the elderly and housebound, and those in any sort of distress, may they know the healing power of God’s love.

Lord, hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for those who have died, that through their faith in Christ, they may be welcomed into God’s kingdom. We remember especially Christine Geen whose funeral will take place this week.

 Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Together we ask for the intercession of Our Blessed Lady as we say Hail Mary.…..

Now we pray for a while in silence for our personal needs.

Priest: Heavenly Father, confident in your saving help, we offer you all our prayers through Jesus, your Son, who lives and reigns with you, forever and ever.


Prayers of the faithful for 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (23 January 2022)

Priest    Confident of the mercy and generosity of our Heavenly Father, we put before Him the needs of the Church throughout the world, and of the world itself. 

Reader The response to “Heavenly Father” is ….Hear our Prayer

  1. Let us pray for the Pope and church leaders in the world:  that by leading us with their teaching and the example of their lives they will help the faithful to grow in love and faithfulness…

Heavenly Father…

  1. As the Church goes through a period of discussion and ultimate decisions

next year in the Synod, we pray that those decisions will help the Church to grow in influence to make the world a better place…

Heavenly Father…..

  1. We pray for world leaders: that they will work for peace, the avoidance of conflict of any kind and the containment of the Covid virus throughout the world…

Heavenly Father….

  1. Let us not forget those who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way, and pray for their improved health and compassionate care…….

Heavenly Father……

  1. As we come to the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we pray that all Christians will continue to work and pray for the time when all will be one….

Heavenly Father…..

We ask our Blessed Mother, Mary, to support us in our prayers as we say…    Hail Mary….. 

Priest   We make all our prayers through our Saviour, Jesus Christ, our Lord.   ……..Amen


Bidding prayers for 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (16 January 2022)

Priest: Father, We bring our needs to you with humility and love and ask you to hear us.

Reader: The response to Loving Father is …  Hear us

We pray for the Church throughout the world, that her message of love will be heard with reverence and acceptance. (Pause)

Loving Father…. Hear us

We pray for all the needy, the exile, the prisoner and those in slavery, that their voice will be heard by people of conscience. (Pause)

Loving Father….. Hear us

We pray for ourselves as we begin this new year, that The Spirit will aid us to be people who respond to all who need us. (Pause)

Loving Father…. Hear us

We pray for a the souls of the recently dead, that they will experience the happiness and peace of heaven. We pray especially for Christine Geen and Helen Meldrum who have died this week. (Pause) 

Loving Father… Hear us

We bring our personal needs to Our Father in silent prayer (Pause)

Loving Father….. Hear us

and turn to our loving Mother as we say….. Hail Mary…. 

Priest: Father, hear and answer these prayers which we have offered to you through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Bidding prayers for the Baptism of our Lord (9 January 2022)

Priest:      The Baptism of Jesus marks the beginning of his ministry to us and to all peoples, and therefore we come together with confidence, to put our petitions before the Lord.

Reader;     The response is;         

Lord, graciously hear us

We pray for the Church as it seeks to continue the work begun by Jesus.  May the light of Jesus shine through our priests and lay people.. ….…pause…………..

Lord hear us

We pray for Christians and for those of other faiths who are being persecuted for their beliefs.  May people of faith lead the way to a better understanding of one another. ….…pause…………..

Lord hear us

We pray for the people struggling to provide for their families; thinking of families in areas of conflict such as Afghanistan, but also those closer to home who are concerned about the increasing costs of food and heating. . ….…pause…………..

Lord hear us

We pray for Kieran Lonergan and for David Hobbs who have died.  Kieran was a long term member of the Parish.  May they, and all those who have died recently rest in peace.  And we pray for their families and for all those who mourn the loss of a loved one.  May they be comforted    …..…pause…………..

Lord hear us

In silence let us ask God for the needs of our friends and families….long pause…

We ask Mary the mother of our Lord, to join her prayers to ours saying;

            Hail Mary………….

Priest:  God of love, listen to our petitions and grant them through him who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit.Amen.