CELEBRANT: In faith and with confidence we offer these prayers to the Father.
READER: As the global Church moves through the Synodal Process. Give her the courage to move through deep unchartered waters with honesty, respect and transparency.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: That politicians treat the public whom they serve with decency and respect.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: That each of us responds to the call of Jesus in our own special way.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: For the sick, the anxious and fearful that they feel God is with them, carrying them, leading them in love.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: For those who have died, that the Lord may lead them safely home. We pray especially for Michael Mathews and Pat McConnell, both long-time parishioners of Christ the King who have died this week.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: In quietness we place before God our Father our own personal prayers.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: We ask Mary the mother of Jesus to pray with us as we say… Hail Mary…
CELEBRANT: Father we place these petitions before you through your son Jesus Christ our Lord