Priest Confident of the mercy and generosity of our Heavenly Father, we put before Him the needs of the Church throughout the world, and of the world itself.
Reader The response to “Heavenly Father” is ….Hear our Prayer
- Let us pray for the Pope and church leaders in the world: that by leading us with their teaching and the example of their lives they will help the faithful to grow in love and faithfulness…
Heavenly Father…
- As the Church goes through a period of discussion and ultimate decisions
next year in the Synod, we pray that those decisions will help the Church to grow in influence to make the world a better place…
Heavenly Father…..
- We pray for world leaders: that they will work for peace, the avoidance of conflict of any kind and the containment of the Covid virus throughout the world…
Heavenly Father….
- Let us not forget those who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way, and pray for their improved health and compassionate care…….
Heavenly Father……
- As we come to the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we pray that all Christians will continue to work and pray for the time when all will be one….
Heavenly Father…..
We ask our Blessed Mother, Mary, to support us in our prayers as we say… Hail Mary…..
Priest We make all our prayers through our Saviour, Jesus Christ, our Lord. ……..Amen