The month of November begins this Thursday, and there is plenty to feed and celebrate our faith and parish life.
- Thursday 1 November is the feast of All Saints. Don’t forget that this is still a Holy Day of Obligation, when we honour all those, known and unknown, who have gone before us and are with the Lord in heaven.
- Friday 2 November is the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, usually known as All Souls.
Our November Memorial Books will be available throughout the month for your to write the names of those you want remembered in our Altar List Masses. - Saturday 10 November. We celebrate our Mass of Memories at 10am in St Brigid’s. Always well attended, you are invited to come to remember your own loved ones, whenever they died. We mention those we have lost these last twelve months, and offer the opportunity to light a candle.
- Sunday 11 November Centenary Remembrance Sunday. It is 100 years since the end of World War I in 1918, so Remembrance Sunday this year takes on a special meaning.
- Sunday 25 November Feast of Christ the King 40th Anniversary of the opening of the Church. The Primary School help the celebrations at 6pm Mass on the Saturday, followed by refreshments, while on the Sunday we will reverse Masses with St Brigid’s. That is 9am Mass will be at St Brigid’s, and 11am at Christ the King when the Archbishop will join us. A celebration meal at the New House will follow (see details elsewhere)
- In the last week of November we will start a new series of faith sharing and discussion groups, following on from “Do You Love Me?” This time we will follow a book by Fr Denis McBride called “Journeying Towards Jesus” – specially written for this time of year. (Leaders’ gather on Wednesday 7 November 7.30pm at St Brigid’s Presbytery)
Fr Matthew