Lent is often described as a journey. Jesus was sent by his Father on a journey, into our world. In Lent we join Him on the way to Calvary and beyond. The great modern Welsh poet R.S.Thomas sets the scene…
And God held in his hand
A small globe. Look, he said. The son looked. Far off,
As through water, he saw
A scorched land of fierce Colour. The light burned There; crusted buildings Cast their shadows: a bright Serpent, a river
Uncoiled itself, radiant
With slime.
On a bare
Hill a bare tree saddened
The Sky. Many people
Held out their thin arms
To it, as though waiting
For a vanished April
To return to its crossed Boughs. The son watched Them. Let me go there, he said.
“The Coming” R.S.Thomas 1913-2000
REFLECTION after Communion this weekend. Use it at home too…
Lord Jesus Christ,
your prayer transfigured your whole being radiating the glory of God and revealing your divinity.
Help us to remember that we are God’s adopted children and that by His grace we too can share in the divine life.
Be with us this Lent as we learn to pray with new joy and show us through your Word, the Sacraments, silence, and time spent in your company that we can become more like you.