Seven days in the life of our 3 Churches
By the time you read this, at 12 noon on Saturday Faye Johnson will have married James Evans at Christ the King. During the week we will celebrate the funerals of Sheila Marks, Tony Woodward and Brian Gowen in St Brigid’s, Christ the King and St Brigid’s respectively. Then on Friday evening Archbishop Stack will ordain Deacon Peter Davies to the priesthood on the Feast of Sts Peter and Paul. Then of course, we celebrate theHoly Eucharist and Reconciliation as usual this and every weekend. And just in case you’re worried about “missing sacraments” we had three Baptisms last Sunday and it’s not long since Confirmation – and I anointedtwo people on Thursday evening.
The sacraments and other liturgies are like jewels, marking out our paths of faith through life, like those lights with which some people line their garden paths or drives. Some are “one offs” like Baptism, Confirmation or Ordination, others are part of our ongoing Catholic journey, like the Eucharist and Reconciliation, while others again mark out our callings in life, like Matrimony and Holy Orders.
In this month of the Sacred Heart, and as we move through this week rich in sacraments and liturgy, let’s ask the Lord to deepen our love for Him. May Jesus enrich our understanding of, and devotion to, the sacraments – His sacraments. They are precious, precious gifts from a loving Saviour.
In particular, let us pray for Peter Davies, to be ordained priest. We remember that with the Word and service, the celebrating of the sacraments will be the very centre of his ministry. From bringing little ones into the family of God at Baptism, through to bringing the not-so-little home through anointing and funerals, via the extraordinary privilege of uttering the words of consecration and absolution, Peter will touch the very heart of our humanity with the love of Jesus. That’s what the sacraments are all about.
Fr Matthew (approx 20,000 Masses and counting)