Priest: Waiting upon the Lord let us be ready to offer him our prayers
for the church, the world and for and for our own intentions.
We pray for Christians throughout the world that being filled with the Lord’s love and constancy – we may be faithful in gathering all people into his kingdom.
Lord, hear us.
Lord graciously hear us.
For peace between nations, that the world may enjoy freedom from war and fear of conflict – that human endeavour will concentrate on bringing true judgement where there is injustice.
Lord, hear us.
Lord graciously hear us.
Let us bring to the Lord our communities, our families, friends and neighbours – that we may be spared from false rumours and damaging hearsay.
Lord, hear us.
Lord graciously hear us.
For all who suffer from war and live in fear of violence, for those who are victims of famine and natural disaster – we pray for the Lord’s blessing on those who seek to bring them relief and hope.
Lord, hear us.
Lord graciously hear us.
Amongst the recently departed we pray for Eileen Britton – and for all who have died as the result of war and conflict.
Lord, hear us.
Lord graciously hear us.
In a moment of silence we offer our personal prayers.
We join these and all our prayers with those of our Lady
Hail Mary………
Priest Father, prompted by your holy Spirit we ask you to hear these and all our prayers in Jesus name. Amen