Prayers of the faithful for weekend 7-8TH August 2021
PRIEST – Let us bring before our Heavenly Father the needs of he world and the Church and ask that He will look favourably upon our prayers.
READER – The response to our prayers is “Hear our prayer “…………
We pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis and all Bishops and leaders of the Church that by their example and guidance they will strengthen the message of the Church throughout the world……..Heavenly Father….
We pray that our Parish Clergy will continue to provide well for our pastoral care and that Fr Matthew and Fr Peter will benefit from their short break…….Heavenly Father……….
We pray that all who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way will recover good health and experience compassionate care……….Heavenly Father………..
We pray for the repose of the souls of those who have recently died. Eternal rest grant unto them Oh Lord…….
We pray that those people throughout the world who have been affected by the extreme conditions arising from climate change may receive the help they so desparately need…….Heavenly Father……..
In a few moments of silence we bring our own needs before our Heavenly Father………..Heavenly Father….
We ask for the help of Our Blessed Mother,Mary as we say….Hail Mary……
PRIEST-We make all our prayer through Jesus Christ, our Saviour….Amen