Christ the King bidding prayers, 1 November 2015 (All saints day)

Feast of All Saints  – Prayer of the Faithful

Priest  As we pray for our needs let us also remember on this feast of All Saints the great cloud of witnesses who have walked in the ways of God.

The response is ………..Lord graciously hear us

We pray for the Church as the Synod on the Family ends.  May the Holy Spirit guide us to become a more listening and consultative  church.


Lord hear us ………

We pray for the gentle, for those who mourn, for the merciful and for the overburdened.  May they find rest in Christ.


Lord hear us………

We pray for Thomas Jack Goddard who will be baptised this weekend.  As he begins his journey of faith may he be supported by his family and the church community.


Lord hear us ………

Let us pray for the virtue of hope, which can be a beacon of light to guide us through times of difficulty and confusion.


Lord hear us………..

We pray quietly for our own needs


We ask Mary to be our counsellor and comforter as we say Hail Mary……….

Priest  Heavenly Father we make our prayers to you trusting in your Son and the Holy Spirit for ever
