Priest – Having just celebrated the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which is a symbol of Jesus’ eternal and compassionate love for each of us, it is withconfidence that we make our petitions to His and our Heavenly Father.
Reader – The response to our petitions is–Heavenly Father hear our prayer.
There is so much conflict in the world today affecting the lives of millions of ordinary people, – we pray that the efforts to bring an end to conflict will meet with success……pause….
With the support of your Divine Son Jesus, we pray………….response………….
We pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life so that the Church may extend its influence and increase the number of faithful Christians………pause….With the support of your Divine Son Jesus, we pray……..response……….
We pray for the repose of the souls of those recently deceased, in particular Kenvin John Harrison, whose funeral is next Friday, and the many people who perished in the volcanic eruption in Guatemala, also for all who are bereaved or have lost everything………pause …….With the support of your Divine Son, Jesus, we pray ………….response
We pray for all who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way that they may feel the healing comfortof God and receive compassionate care…….pause…….With the support of your Divine Son Jesus, we pray……response……..
In a few moments of quiet let us pray to our Heavenly Father for our own needs…………..longer pause…….
Mary is the mother of Jesus and our mother whose Immaculate Heart is celebrated this weekend and we ask for her support in our prayers as we say……..Hail Mary
Priest – We make all our prayers to you our Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus your son and our brother…..Amen