The Celebrant will introduce and also conclude the prayer. The reader should pause for several moments between the intercession and its response. Leave about 20 seconds for quiet prayer. There is no response after this – move straight to the Hail Mary.
CELEBRANT:Sisters and brothers: the psalmist called, the Lord heard him and rescued him from his distress. Let us likewise call on the Lord to hear our prayers.
READER: The response is: Lord, graciously hear us.
READER: Let us pray for the Church, particularly in the United States, in Chile and in Honduras, sickened and saddened to find those who should have offered inspired leadership have been abusive or negligent. May they remain faithful to Christ Jesus, kind and forgiving, even though this is hard…….. (PAUSE)…… Lord, hear us …..Lord, graciously hear us.
READER: We pray for those who manage other people. May they value their staff as individuals and help them to develop their full potential..….. (PAUSE) ……Lord, hear us….Lord, graciously hear us.
READER: Let us pray for Catholics in Iraq as they struggle to rebuild in often dangerous situations..… (PAUSE)……Lord, hear us…. Lord, graciously hear us.
READER: Let us pray for those who receive their A level results this week. Let us give thanks for their hard work, rejoice with those who have achieved the results they wanted and console those who are disappointed… (PAUSE)……Lord, hear us…. Lord, graciously hear us.
READER: Let us pray for those who are deaf and cannot hear the proclamation of the gospel. May we help them be part of our worshipping community……… (PAUSE)……Lord, hear us….Lord, graciously hear us.
READER: We pray for those lost in the wilderness of our cities. May they find food, friends and faith to continue their journey ……… (PAUSE)……Lord, hear us….Lord, graciously hear us.
READER: Let us consider the needs of our parish community and any personal need (Long Pause)…. Let us ask the intercession of our Lady: Hail Mary..
After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.
CELEBRANT: Lord, hear and grant our prayers through Christ Jesus, Amen.