The Celebrant will introduce and also conclude the prayer.
The reader should pause for several moments between the intercession and its response.
Leave about 20 seconds for the quiet prayer. There is no response after this – move straight to the Ave Regina Caelorum.
CELEBRANT: Sisters and brothers, the mercy of the Almighty reaches from age to age for those who fear him. Let us ask for his mercy and grace in our need.
READER: (The response is): Lord graciously hear us. We will say the Ave Regina Caelorum today instead of the Hail Mary.
READER: Let us pray for the church as it prepares for the Year of Mercy. May we be granted the grace to be more merciful, forgiving and understanding of others.
…….. (PAUSE)……….. Lord hear us……. Lord graciously hear us.
READER: We pray for political leaders in Europe that they may find a just solution for migrants from Africa and elsewhere.
…… (PAUSE)…… Lord hear us……. Lord graciously hear us.
READER: We pray for all those killed and injured in the explosion in Tianjin. May the afflicted be comforted.
…. (PAUSE)…… Lord hear us …. Lord graciously hear us.
READER: As we return refreshed from our holidays let us remember those who are too poor or too sick to get away. May the Lord refresh them in His own way.
(PAUSE)…… Lord hear us.…. Lord graciously hear us.
READER: Let us pray that we become good custodians of God’s world and ensure our brothers and sisters have enough to eat.
(PAUSE)…… Lord hear us.…. Lord graciously hear us
READER: In silence, in God’s presence, let us ask for help for any personal needs or on behalf of friends or relatives in need. (Long Pause)…. Let us ask the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of Heaven: read aloud:
Hail, Queen of Heav’n, beyond compare,
To whom the angels homage pay,
Hail, Root of Jesse, Gate of light
That opened for the world’s new Day.
Rejoice, O Virgin unsurpassed,
In whom our ransom was begun,
For all your loving children pray
To Christ our Saviour, and your Son.
After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.
CELEBRANT: Lord God, hear our prayers and grant them through Your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Son, Jesus Christ, in union with Thy Holy Spirit, now and for ever, AMEN.