Bidding Prayers for the 29th Sunday of the Year
We come together as a community to put our petitions before the Lord.
Reader; The response is;
Hear our prayer
Tomorrow / today is Mission Sunday. Let us bring to mind all those, who today and throughout the ages, have ministered to others at home and abroad. May their example help us to follow your teaching and to serve one another …..……… pause ………
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
We pray for the people affected by the conflict in Iraq and Syria. May the leaders of our world persevere in seeking solutions to alleviate their suffering.
…..……… pause ………
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
We pray for the members of our own community here in Cardiff, and we think especially of those who do not enjoy good health and those whose independence is diminishing. May they know the warmth of companionship, and experience your abiding love and reassurance.
…..……… pause ………
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
We pray for ourselves that we may find the time to experience your peace and serenity. …..……… pause ………
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
Let us spend a few moments in silent prayer. ….. …………long pause ……
We ask Mary the mother of our Lord, to join her prayers to ours saying;
Hail Mary………….
P. We ask God the Father to hear and grant our petitions through him who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit. Amen.