PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL – Feast of All the Saints – Year A, 2 November 2014
CELEBRANT: O Lord, prompted by faith, we come to you with our petitions, trusting in your unfailing love.
READER: The response is: Hear our prayer.
READER: Let us pray for Pope Francis and the whole church as we endeavour to bring about better understanding of the disagreements within the church and work to resolve the conflicts which are ongoing throughout the world.
…….. (PAUSE)……….. Lord in your grace..…. Hear our prayer.
READER: Let us pray for all those who are orphaned, homeless or hungry and also those who, in desperation, take a hazardous journey in the hope of finding a better life elsewhere
………(PAUSE)….Lord in your grace …..Hear our prayer.
READER: Heavenly Father we ask you to bless and refresh our parish family and in particular, to please bless Harry John Alexander and Sienna Dany Hancock and Amelie Marielle Elizabeth Hancock whom we welcome into the sacrament of baptism this week-end. We also ask for a blessing on their parents and god-parents as they assist them on their journey of faith.
…… (PAUSE)…… Lord in your grace..…. Hear our prayer.
READER: Let us pray for the soul of Jim Marshall, father of Mary Campbell, who died last week. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord and let perpetual rest shine upon him.
……(PAUSE)…..Lord in your grace….Hear our prayer.
READER: On this feast of All Souls, let us bring to mind all those who have departed in faith. Let us pray for those we have known and loved, and remember all those we never knew, nor those who have died alone without love or support. May they all be brought to the glory of Christ Jesus’ resurrection.
…….. (PAUSE)….. Lord in your grace…..Hear our prayer.
READER: Let us pause for a few moments and open our hearts to our Father in Heaven ……. (Longer PAUSE)
READER: Let us now join with Mary, Mother of our risen Lord as we say ….
Hail Mary, full of grace, etc.
CELEBRANT: Dear Father in Heaven, we approach the coming days in the sure faith that you will guide and protect us. Through the merits of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.