Priest: We turn to our loving Father with hope and trust as we bring him all our needs
Reader:The response to our prayers is “Hear our prayer”
May we not get so fixed on liturgical and other prescriptions that, like the pharisees, we fail to understand the true meaning of faith. Through listening to God’s word within us may we seek to transform our lives to live by Jesus’ teaching.
Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.
Saturday is the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. May we respond to the Pope’s wish that we take seriously our responsibility as stewards of creation, which God has entrusted to our care.
Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.
We pray for Louie James Coombs, Eva Barbara and George Harry Kinsey, who are being baptised this weekend. May they grow up to rejoice in their faith, and may their parents, grandparents and god-parents nurture that faith through their example.
Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.
We pray for our children and young people that they may look forward to their return to school this week. We pray especially for those going to school for the first time or changing schools, that they may find a warm and welcoming community.
Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.
We remember all teachers, especially those starting out, and Mr Brunnock, the new head of Corpus Christi. May they enjoy their role and build caring and inspirational school communities.
Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who have died, that through their faith in Christ
they may be welcomed into the fullness of life with him in heaven. We remember especially Bob Churchouse, a long time parishioner who has died recently.
Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.
In the silence of our hearts we pray for all our other needs.
We ask Our Lady, born to be mother of Jesus and mother of the Church, to offer our prayers with her own, us as we say Hail Mary ….
Priest:Heavenly Father, we ask you to grant our petitions so that our faith may be renewed, and the Church may be an unwavering beacon of love and hope in the world. We ask you this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen