Priest On Christmas Day, long ago, God came and lived among us. He taught us to love one another, and we place our petitions before him, seeking to continue his work.
Reader The response is;
Lord graciously hear us
On this Christmas Day we pray for the Church throughout the world, that it may joyfully proclaim the coming of God’s kingdom, and that this message may bring hope to all who hear it…..pause………….
Lord hear us
We pray for peace on earth and goodwill among all peoples. May the Christmas message inspire politicians and leaders to continue to work together for a fairer world and for justice and peace everywhere.
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Lord hear us
We pray for refugees, who like the Holy Family, are seeking a safe place to live. .…. Pause………………
Lord hear us
And we pray for those in need nearer home: the sick, the lonely, the homeless; and those who mourn the loss of loved ones especially at this time of year. May thewonder of the season give them comfort and joy.…Pause…
Lord hear us
Let us pray in silence for a few moments for all that we would ask for our own families and friends at this Christmas time……………pause…………
Lord hear us
We ask Mary, the mother of the newborn Christ to add her prayers to our own saying;
Hail Mary………….
Priest Heavenly Father, the birth of your son renews our hope. Give us grace to bear witness to him before the world, for he is Lord forever and ever.