PRAYER of the FAITHFUL 26th Sunday of the Year 2014
Note to Reader : Please PAUSE as directed and read the response through with the congregation
P. In today’s readings the Lord reminds us again that we must continue to have faith in His great love for us and so we place our petitions before Him
R Our response is: “Father in your love remember us”
R. Let us pray for God’s people throughout the world remembering especially those who live a life of fear and persecution simply because they dare to believe in Him.
R. We pray
Father, in Your love remember us
R. In our own parish we give thanks for the love and dedication of all those who have lead our Children’s Liturgy Programme over an amazing 30 year period. We pray for all our present and past leaders and helpers who have given their time so generously. May they and the children whom they are guiding now enjoy the special gifts of the Lord
R. We pray
Father, in Your love remember us
R. At this worrying time we pray for peace in the world thinking particularly about the huge problems in the Middle East. May those who even now, work for peace against the odds, be supported and guided by the Holy Spirit
R. We pray
Father, in Your love remember us
R. Let us ask the Lord for the peaceful repose of all the deceased of our parish remembering specially Alex Meldrum whose funeral takes place next Tuesday. In addition we ask comfort for all those whom mourn in particular Alex’s family and friends
R We pray
Father, in Your love remember us
R. Let us call to mind the lonely, the depressed and the sick of our community and ask the Spirit’s support for them and for those who care for them
R. We pray
Father, in Your love remember us
R We ask Mary our mother to help us to place our needs before the Lord saying…… HAIL MARY etc
P. Eternal Father, we ask you to hear and grant our petitions through Jesus your beloved Son