PRIEST – Heavenly Father we place before you our petitions for the needs of the church and of the world with confidence in your love and mercy
READER – the response to our prayers is – Hear our prayer
As we celebrate the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, we pray for our Holy Father, Francis, and all church leaders that, guided by the Holy Spirit, they may continually speak out against the inequality and injustice which is so widespread in our world today …………pause
Heavenly Father, in your loving mercy……….
Mankind is incapable alone of finding a way to end hostilities and enmity between peoples, we pray that the Holy Spirit will guide those in positions of power and authority to work towards achieving this goal…………..pause
Heavenly Father, in your loving mercy………….
We pray for eternal rest for the souls of all who have died, both those who are known to us and those who have died through war violence or disaster ……………..pause
Heavenly Father, in your loving mercy…………
We pray for all who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way and all who are suffering loneliness as a result of being house bound that they may have healing, comfort and compassionate care………….pause
Heavenly Father, in your loving mercy………..
We pray that our 3 churches may be successful in reaching out to the wider community by the efforts and example of individual parishioners and by initiatives like the Phone Link service……………pause
Heavenly Father, in your loving mercy………..
We pray for all who are seeking the consolation of the love of God that they find it…………pause
Heavenly Father, in your loving mercy…….
In a few moments of silence we bring our own petitions before our Heavenly Father………..
We ask Mary, our Mother, to join her prayers to ours as we say….Hail Mary………..
PRIEST – Heavenly Father, we make all our prayers through your Son, Jesus Christ….. Amen