CELEBRANT: Brothers and sisters, the psalm tells us that the Lord heals every one of your ills, so we can be sure our petitions will be answered.
READER: The response is: We hope in Your mercy.
READER: Let us pray for the church. May we walk out like lambs in the Lord, proclaiming the Good News with joy.
…….. (PAUSE)……….. Lord ..…. We hope in Your mercy.
READER: For those who lead us. May they avoid the wisdom of the world but find the wisdom of the gospel to love all those for whom they are responsible.
…… (PAUSE)…… Lord ..…. We hope in Your mercy.
READER: We pray for all those who suffer in Syria, those who have been killed or bereaved or have no food or home. Let us also pray for the Ukraine, Southern Sudan and other areas of conflict. May there be renewed dialogue and less fighting.
…. (PAUSE)…… Lord..…. We hope in Your mercy.
READER: For those trapped in slavery we pray for an end to their oppression.
. (PAUSE)…… Lord..…. We hope in Your mercy.
READER: Next Friday Katharine Jane Dirks and Daniel James Thomas are to be married in our church. May their union bring them lifelong joy as they deepen their love for each other. PAUSE)…… Lord .…. We hope in Your mercy.
READER: Let us think of our own needs and worries and present them to the Lord.…. (Long Pause)…. Let us ask the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, Mary : Hail Mary, full of grace, etc.
After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.
CELEBRANT: Father, You crown us with love and compassion; in Your mercy hear our prayers and grant them through Your Son, Jesus Christ in union with the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever Amen.