Priest: In these uncertain times we hear Our Lord saying ‘Do not be afraid’, and so, in faith and hope, we turn to the Father and ask Him to answer our prayers.
Reader: The response to our prayers is “Hear our prayer”
- May the Church hear Your voice in the gentle breeze as she seeks to discern the way forward in a post-covid world.
Lord, in Your mercy: Hear our prayer.
- May we emerge from the covid virus as a more compassionate and caring society.
Lord, in Your mercy: Hear our prayer
- We pray for the city of Beirut; for those who died in the explosion and those who grieve; for those who were injured, for those who are now homeless and have lost everything. We pray for the rescue workers, those caring for the sick and injured, those bringing food and shelter. We ask you to enfold this shattered city in Your love and healing power.
Lord, in Your mercy: Hear our prayer.
- We pray for allthose in our 3 Churches who are sick, especially those in hospital, who cannot see their loved ones. May they have a strong sense of their love.
Lord, in Your mercy: Hear our prayer
- We remember all our parishioners who have died recently; receive them into the joy of Your heavenly kingdom, and comfort those who mourn for them.
Lord, in Your mercy: Hear our prayer.
In a few moments’ silence let us pray for all the other needs we hold in our hearts.
We ask Mary to join our prayers to her own, us as we say
Hail Mary ….
Priest: Heavenly Father, we ask you to look kindly on our prayers and heal our ravaged world. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.