CELEBRANT: We gather together to petition our loving Father, for the needs of the world, the community, and ourselves.
READER: The response is Lord graciously hear us
READER: We pray for the church, that it is seen as relevant to the people of the world.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: That we recognise the spark of God which is within all human life.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: That all people live with a greater care for the planet, recognising our role of stewardship for all that is living.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: That intolerant regimes be undone.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: In expectation and silence we pray our own personal prayers.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: We ask Mary the mother of Jesus to pray with us as we say Hail Mary……
CELEBRANT: Guide us, give us strength to love you. Help us run the race set before us and answer our prayers laid before you today, we ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen