The message in today’s readings is that the Lord prizes humility in us as a gift beyond compare. Accordingly we ask for in abundance
Our response is “Lord we call upon your mercy
We pray for the Church throughout the world but remembering especially the mission of Fr Andy Bord who joins us now as assistant priest in our Three Churches. We pray that he will have a joyful and fruitful period with us
Lord we call upon your mercy
With joy we welcome Emily Cousins as she joins the Church today in the sacrament of Baptism. We ask the Lord’s richest blessings for her as she starts her missionary journey and we ask a blessing on her parents and wider family who will be her first guides on her pilgrim journey
Lord we call upon your mercy
We pray now for Emma Johnston and James Petryna who are to be married next week. We ask for the Lord’s richest blessings on their future life together Pause
Lord we call upon your mercy
Let us remember all the deceased of our Three Churches thinking especially about Edna Wharry who died recently. May the Lord greet all of them joyfully and may He comfort those who grieve for them
Lord, we call on your mercy
We call on the Lord to guide all our political leaders at this very delicate time
R………Lord we call upon your mercy
For a few moments let us listen in our hearts to the voice of our Loving Father
We ask Mary ,our mother, to take up our concerns and join us in our prayers saying Hail Mary ….etc
Heavenly Father, listen to our petitions and and grant them through Jesus your Beloved Son who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit
forever . AMEN