Prayers of The Faithful, 24th Sunday Year A , September 13th 2020
CELEBRANT: Friends, Jesus calls us to forgive as we ourselves are forgiven. Knowing this, we pray for a renewed world of mercy and compassion.
READER: That we develop mature, workable relationships and structures within the Church, so that we may confront and change that which is not fruitful.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: For those excluded from the church, may we reach out to them with genuine compassion and respect.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: That world leaders may set aside image, pride and threats and work for the good of the human family.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: We pray for all the carers in our three churches who often feel worn out, overburdened and alone.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: We pray for all parishioners who are unable or unwilling to be with us physically at this time.
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: In silence we open our hearts and minds which reveal our deepest hurts and longings to our compassionate God
Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us
READER: We ask Mary the mother of God to pray with us as we say Hail Mary….
CELEBRANT: Kind and merciful Father, slows anger and rich in compassion, grant our petitions through Christ our Lord your Son , Amen.