Intercessions Third Sunday of Easter 4/5th May
Priest: Let us turn to our Risen Christ, and ask him to hear our prayers.
Reader: We pray for the universal Church. May her bishops and priests be faithful to prayer like the first apostles and be given the courage to accept Christ’s call.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray for the world, especially those areas experiencing conflict, political unrest and corruption, that Christ, the Lord of all truth and life, may lead mankind to desire justice, peace and integrity.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray for Sian Taylor and Oliver Jones who were married here on Friday. May they live and grow together in love and peace.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray for all who are sick, that they may be strengthened by the power of your love and find healing in the light of your grace.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray for all those who have died, that they may find eternal peace in the place which Christ has prepared for them, the Kingdom of God. We remember especially Gloria Chapman who has died recently.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We ask Our Lady to join her prayers with ours as we say Hail Mary……..
Let us pray for a few moments in silence
Priest: God our Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son, Jesus, who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.