In to-day’s reading we are reminded of how together we all form the body of Christ and how we are required to fulfil whatever role the Father has devised for us. Accordingly we turn again to the Father for guidance as to how we should live out Christ’s law
Our response is “Lord we call upon your mercy
We pray for the worldwide church remembering especially our brothers and sisters in Syria and the Middle East who live in constant danger because they choose to follow Christ
We pray……Lord, we call upon your mercy
Tonight many will sleep on the streets of Cardiff and other cities because they are homeless .We pray for them and the agencies and individuals who work to relieve their plight
We pray….Lord we call upon your mercy
We remember now all the deceased of our Three Churches and mention especially Therese Cunliffe and Valentino Rascon who died recently. May the Lord greet them joyfully and may their friends be comforted in their time of loss
We pray…..Lord we call upon your mercy
We listen with concern to the discussions between Britain and The European Union regarding our withdrawal and pray for a just and equitable solution which will recognise the needs of all including refugees who struggle to make homes in a strange country
We pray………Lord we call upon your mercy
For a few moments let us listen in our hearts to the voice of our Loving Father
We ask Mary ,our mother, to take up our concerns and join us in our prayers saying Hail Mary ….etc
Heavenly Father, listen to our petitions and and grant them through Jesus your Beloved Son who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit forever . AMEN