Priest: We know that that the Lord has promised not to leave us as orphans after His Ascension, so therefore we look with confidence in his on going mercy to hear and grant our petitions.
Reader: Our response is “Lord hear us”
Now that the Lord sits in glory with the Father and the Spirit we ask for support and guidance for all who are charged with the task of spreading His Word to all mankind
We pray……..” Lord hear us”
Let us pray for the spirit of generosity towards our neighbours in Europe in the determination of our future lives together
We pray………”Lord hear us”
Let us pray for the sick and afflicted of our parishes that the Lord may grant them ease from their suffering, physical or mental. We remember also, our Special Minsters of the Eucharist who carry the Lord in person to them each week.
We pray……”Lord hear us”
Let us pray for the repose of the soul of Michael Manning who died recently together with all the deceased of our 3 Parishes . We ask the Lord’s mercy for all of them and comfort for those who grieve.
We pray……..”Lord hear us”
For a few moments let us listen in our hearts to the voice of our Father.
We pray with Mary our mother saying Hail Mary ….
Heavenly Father we ask these gifts through Jesus your Son who lives with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit forever AMEN