Priest: Acknowledging our weakness we come before the Father to ask for healing and growth in His love.
Reader: The response to our prayers is “Hear our prayer”
As we approach Lent may the Church, our parish and ourselves respond to the Pope’s call to renew our hearts through repentance, conversion and forgiveness..
Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.
We pray for world peace, especially at this time between India and Pakistan.
Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.
May our society find a way to rescue and support those young people involved in gangs and drug running, and also to help remedy those family and other circumstances that make children and young people vulnerable to exploitation.
Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.
We pray for Arthur James Calnan and Delyth Itoro who are being baptised this weekend; may the seed of faith grow and flourish in their lives, nurtured by their family and god-parents.
Merciful Father: Hear our prayer
We remember Lilian Dyer, John Hall and Evelyn Trueman who have died recently; receive them into the joy of Your kingdom, and comfort those who grieve for them.
Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.
In the silence of our hearts we pray for all our other needs.
We ask Mary, our mother, to join our prayers to her own, us as we say
Hail Mary ….
Priest: Heavenly Father, we ask you to look with kindness on our petitions for our growth and the growth of the world in your loving service. We ask You this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.