As we celebrate the feast of Sts Peter and Paul and inspired by their steadfast faith in the Lord with we offer our petitions to Him with the confidence of well loved children
Our response is : May your love be upon us Lord
Remembering the faith of Peter and Paul we pray for a renewal of power and enthusiasm in our task to spread the message of Christ’s love for all mankind
We pray……May your love be upon us Lord
Let us pray for all refugees especially those on the Mexican border at present that they may find a safe place to live and to care for their families
We pray…….May your love be upon us Lord
Hannah O’Brien and Craig Salisbury are to be married here in Christ the King this week and we pray that their love for each other may sustain them in whatever may lie ahead
We pray ….May your love be upon us Lord
We pray for all the deceased of our Three Churches remembering especially William Kennedy whose funeral took place this week. May his soul rest in peace and may his grieving relatives and friends be comforted in their loss
We pray…..May your love be upon us Lord
Let us spend a few moments in listening to the voice of our beloved Father
We ask Mary our mother to join her prayer to ours saying Hail Mary ….
Lord we ask you to hear and grant our petitions through Jesus your Son who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit forever