PRIEST – In the first week of Lent we pray to our Heavenly Father for the needs of the church, the world and ourselves
READER –We pray for all members of the church that they may have a good and holy Lent by their fasting, prayers and almsgiving for the benefit of those in need through poverty and suffering due to violence or oppression………Lord in your mercy………….Hear our prayer
We pray for Cafod, for the good work which it undertakes and that this will benefit greatly from the Family Fast Day which is next Friday 6th March ………….Lord in your mercy…..
We pray for the recovery of all who are ill or infirm particularly those affected by the Corona Virus and that an effective vaccine will soon be discovered……… Lord in your mercy…..
We pray for the repose of the souls of those who have recently died and for the comfort of all who are bereaved or who mourn………Lord in your mercy………
We pray for those suffering with depression – perhaps affecting their relationships – that they may receive help and counselling and so ensure that they avoid any self-harming action…………Lord in your mercy………
We ask Mary our Mother to join her prayers with ours as we say ….Hail Mary
In a few moments of silence we bring our own needs before our Heavenly Father………
PRIEST – We make all our prayers through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ….Amen