When we come to Mass, we encounter Jesus in many ways. The two principle ways we do this are through the Liturgy of the Word, in which we hear God’s Word speak to our hearts, and through the Eucharist, the very Body and Blood of Our Lord, who nourishes us, giving us food for our journey of faith.
The priest, during the Eucharistic celebration, acts in the person of Christ. This means that it is Christ we listen to when the Word of God is proclaimed, and Christ himself who feeds and nourishes us in the Holy Eucharist. As well as this, all of us, gather together – our parish community – become a way of encountering Jesus. We are the parish; we are the Body of Christ. During our Sunday liturgies, this community is built up and manifests its oneness through singing; the purpose of the opening hymn is for us to bring our individual selves together, and form one voice, to give praise and glory to God.
During the weekdays, it is not always possible to sing, and so the Church provides antiphons that enable us to do this. These are short verses that are from the Scripture or that are relevant to the feast of the day. There is an antiphon provided for the beginning of Mass, as the ministers enter the sanctuary, and there is an antiphon before we receive Holy Communion.
Deacon Daniel will provide each of our Churches with weekly antiphon sheets, which will set out the various antiphons for the week ahead. Let us lift up our hearts and so give glory to Almighty God.
Deacon Daniel