There will be a celebration for Fr Andy’s 40th Anniversary on Friday 2 July 2021 at 6pm, St Brigid’s Church, in the church grounds and hall with Romeat Pizzas and Ice Creams.
If you would like to celebrate with Fr Andy you should either ring Bernice Rayer (20 626829) or email Anne Burns ( no later than Wednesday 16 June.
We will need to know how many would be in your family group (adults and children) and also, whether you would like to attend (a) Mass and Gathering, (b) Mass only or (c) Gathering only.
Please note that as numbers are restricted due to Covid restrictions, your telephone call or email will not automatically reserve you a place. It is likely that some Gathering places will be for the hall and some for the grounds. If you have a preference for either, please let us know in your email or telephone call.
A place at the Mass and/or Gathering will be confirmed with you by Wednesday 23 June.