Guests at a Baptism are often surprised to be asked to turn around and face the back of the church at the beginning of the liturgy. We then explain that we are standing at the door of the church building, reminding us that Baptism is the door into the real Church – the People of God. Buildings come and go, but the real Church goes on, whether with buildings or not. However, as soon as Christianity became legal in the Roman Empire, and wherever it has taken root in our world, God’s people have wanted a place to gather together for the Mass, a place to come for prayer and peace, a home for the Blessed Sacrament.
And so it is that this year we celebrate 50 years of St Brigid’s Church – the building. Born of the expansion of our city in the decades after the war, and taking over from the smaller and simpler previous church, we have journeyed onwards in the beautiful Church bequeathed to us.
Anniversary Mass
We remember the years and the people today at 10.30 Mass, the anniversary of the first Mass in the church.
Jubilee Lunch
We gather at the New House, where we celebrate our shared birthday!
Church display
In the Lady Chapel to the left of the altar you will find various liturgical items from the beginning of the parish. Why not take a look?
Parish booklets
Available from today are two booklets kindly prepared for us by parishioner David Mclees. The story of the building of our church provides a fascinating insight into the life and working of the parish and diocese 50 years ago. See the discarded proposals, and spot people from those days. The second booklet captures in words the amazing story of our patron Saint Brigid of Kildare. How much do you know about her? Not much, maybe. Enquire within…
Children’s competition
We are running a competition for our younger parishioners between this weekend and the anniversary of the Blessing of the Church on 1st December. Come on and show the gifts of the young people of our own time! Pick up a folder from the back of our churches.
Lastly, many, many thanks to all of you who work in the present and for the future of all 3 of our Churches. May God bless and reward you all!
Fr Matthew