In response to the question “Who is my Neighbour” Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan – of the man who finding a robbed and beaten stranger by the side of the road bandaged his wounds, took him to a place of safety and paid for his care. Jesus told his listeners, and tells us, “Go and do the same yourself”.
The establishment of Foodbanks across the UK in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis is one way Christians have responded to Jesus’ command. But why foodbanks? And why in Cardiff?
13.5m people in the UK live in poverty; in 2011 Save the Children reported that 16% of children in Cardiff live in severe poverty. For many of our neighbours life is precarious. Loss of work, delays or changes in benefit payments, sudden illness, family breakdown can all lead to sudden crisis. The Foodbank provides a lifeline, giving short-term help. Individuals and families are referred by care workers such as health visitors, charities, advice agencies and social services. They received food for 3 meals a day for 3 days, up to 3 times every 6 months. In 2015 the Cardiff Foodbank helped 12,140 people – equal to around 109,000 meals. Since it started 6 years ago numbers have increased by up to 20% a year. In giving help, the Foodbank affirms the God-given dignity of each person, however marginalised they may be.
Our 3 Churches began collecting food donations for the Cardiff Foodbank last Autumn. We have made a good start. To April we had donated 512kgs (in April 128kgs). This equates to feeding 37 people 3 meals for 3 days. Recently the 3 Churches Evangelisation Group looked at how we might consolidate and extend our support. We have identified several actions:
- Promote the food collections – there are boxes in each church and posters showing the items needed & we have a group of people who deliver each week to the Foodbank warehouse (thank you to them)
- Take responsibility for a supermarket collection – we have committed to covering a collection at Morrisons on Saturday 9 July 9am—5pm and we need around 20 volunteers to cover 2 hour slots (under 16s can help but need to be with an adult)
- Fund-raising to help with warehouse rental, costs of food distribution and staff costs (just 4 people) – could you or your friends run a fund-raising event or do a sponsored activity? Could you give a personal donation?
- Could you spare a few hours to work as a volunteer in the warehouse or at one of the food distribution centres?
Offers of help on 9 July please contact Terry Jermyn 2075 7489 / 07939 263403 Volunteering – contact The Foodbank Team 2048 4120, email or register your interest on-line at
(Terry Jermyn & Elizabeth Taylor – 3 Churches Evangelisation Group)