Our September Pilgrims have just returned from the shrine of Walsingham in Norfolk, and totally by coincidence the Bishops of England and Wales have asked that a one-off collection be taken over this weekend to assist the ancient shrine founded in the eleventh century. The feast of Our Lady of Walsingham is on September 24. The fund is to create facilities to cater for the increasing numbers of pilgrims who have been making pilgrimages there in recent times. Last year the shrine launched a large appeal. It is hoped this will pay for upgrading buildings, with a new cloister, refectory, conference and retreat centre, and new accommodation for the disabled, and will also focus on developing the work of the shrine.
The project is presently completing restoration of the Shrine in the Slipper Chapel and has started live-streaming daily Mass from the Chapel of Reconciliation. Accommodation will be developed in the second year, with new bedrooms added to the existing Elmham House and a new retreat centre built in the village. Further developments to the shrine site will take place in the third year, including a new cloister and gate house.
A Catholic media centre will broadcast talks, interviews and apologetics programmes Mgr John Armitage, the rector of Walsingham, whom we met in Walsingham said “The programmes… will reflect the experience of the Church on this side of the Atlantic, and in particular look to expand programming for young people, and this will be undertaken by young adults from the UK. In using the latest technology and social media, this new project will look to give people an experience of their Catholic faith, ‘ever ancient – ever new’. The use of media in the spread of the Gospel is strongly encouraged by the Church… in its work for the new evangelization.” In addition, the new retreat centre will be called the Dowry Retreat, and run by a new religious community. “It will be open to all, but a particular focus will be on young adults.”
Fr Matthew incl extracts from the Tablet and Catholic Herald