Pope Francis says “Married life is beautiful and must be protected”. Why not treat yourselves and your marriage to a Marriage Encounter Weekend in 2016?
As time progresses and the early romance begins to wear off, many married couples drift into taking each other for granted. Other things begin to take up more and more of their time, and the vision they had for their marriage can begin to fade. A Marriage Encounter Weekend gives a couple time alone together, helping them to rediscover that vision, no matter how long they have been married. A Weekend enables couples to grow in their love for each other, a time to rediscover romance and the joy of being married. The Weekend helps each couple to explore the choices they are making, their attitudes towards each other, their frustration and their joys, in a spirit of love and understanding. It is not a retreat, therapy or counseling. Rather it is a unique way for you to revitalise marriage away from the distractions, tensions and routine of everyday life.
The Weekend is residential – from Friday evening to late Sunday afternoon. It is a strictly private experience between each couple, with no “group dynamics”. Presentations are given to the group, but after each presentation, the husband and wife have time for their own discussion in the privacy of their own room. The only time everyone is asked to speak out is to introduce themselves to the group at the beginning. However, it is a busy, structured Weekend, with little free time. The Weekend is presented by three Catholic couples and a priest, so is Catholic in orientation, but mixed faith couples or even those who have no faith at all are welcome and can benefit by enriching their relationship.
The next Weekend is 26th – 28th February 2016, at Lydiard House, Swindon. If you would like to hear more about the Marriage Encounter Weekend, next Sunday 24th January we will be at 9am Mass at Christ the King and 11am Mass at St Brigid’s. In the afternoon we will lead an information meeting at Christ the King Parish Centre at 3pm or you can visit the web site www.wwme.org.uk where you can learn more and book your weekend direct. You can also ‘phone us, Ian & Tessa MacCallum 01249 656145.
Edited from Ian & Tess’s Marriage Encounter material