Every year in January the Church reminds us of an aspect of our faith that it is so easy to forget – Christian Unity. From 18th – 25th every year we have the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. And it’s fast approaching in this new year of 2020!
During this special week, Christians all over the world meet to pray, worship, relax, share in many different ways. Lots of districts have a Council of Churches or a CYTUN / Churches Together, as we do in Llanishen and District. It’s probably true to say that after a burst of ecumenical interest after our Second Vatican Council in the 1960s, things have gone a little quieter in many parts. So often things like this in the Church depend on individuals, who come and go…
So, all the more reason to make sure that the events of the Week of Prayer are well-attended in our own local area. This year the Service for the Week will be at St Isan’s church in Llanishen village on Sunday 19 January at 6pm. We are lucky to welcome this year as preacher Rev Aled Edwards, the Chief Executive of CYTUN – Churches Together in Wales.
I especially draw your attention to the annual Agape or Fellowship Meal, when Christians come together in a more relaxed social setting and share some refreshments. This year the Agape is at St Brigid’s on Tuesday 21 January at 7pm.
So why not make a special effort to remember Our Lord’s prayer “Father, may they all be one” during the week, and come along to share worship and fellowship with our Christian brothers and sisters.
Fr Matthew