In 2011/12 we developed a vision for our 3 Churches, leading to some priorities and projects, such as our “Open Door” monthly gatherings, a renewed emphasis on being welcoming communities, the “Phone-a– Friend” project on Tuesday mornings, and the revamped Bereavement Support Group. We also homed in on one or two “Big Issues” – namely Youth and Evangelization, which would need exploring in more depth. While efforts have been made on the first, over the last year we have been also approaching the enormous topic of spreading the Gospel – Evangelization.
A year ago we ran two series of gatherings looking at various aspects of this area, under the guidance of our 3 Churches Pastoral Group. In the last few months a second group dedicated specifically to evangelization has been moving from principles to practice. There are currently three projects being developed.
Open Churches
There are several notable examples of churches inviting people in simply to pray or even just to rest and “be”. A prominent one is St Patrick’s Soho Square in London – take a look at How can our churches become more part of their communities? A start has been made by having Christ the King open Fridays during term-time 6.30-7pm.
Sacramental preparation
The need to give our programmes a more evangelizing nature, not just preparation for a particular situation, led to the recent Catechists Evening at St Brigid’s, which many found valuable, and which is already bearing fruit.
Work with young people needs to be better resourced and prepared. A small team is developing a programme to follow up Confirmation.
Other projects planned include prayer for our 3 Churches area, carried out week by week.
Jesus sent out his Apostles into the whole world, to teach and baptise. So we have no option but to reflect on our carrying out of this so-called “Great Commission”. You can help these projects first by praying in support. Then there will be the chance to get more involved with some of these in coming months – might that be for you?
Under the guidance of our patrons – St Paul the great evangelizer of the Gentiles, St Brigid, whose feast is this Sunday, a great leader in the Celtic church, let us all take on the Great Commission given us by Christ the King himself.