We are absolutely delighted to announce that Archbishop George Stack will ordain Peter Davies as deacon in St Brigid’s Church on Saturday 2 December during Mass at 12 noon – and all are invited to this wonderful occasion.
Peter is part of the chaplaincy team at our Cardiff hospitals, and became Catholic two years ago. He has become a regular attendee at St Brigid’s. Now after a period of reflection and formation, the Archbishop will ordain him deacon, hopefully on the way to priesthood next year. This last stage before priesthood is called being a “transitory deacon” as opposed to the “permanent deacons” who remain as deacons for good. As a married former Anglican priest with family, this has required special approval from the Vatican.
This is a great opportunity to take part in an ordination, which is one of the most beautiful liturgies of the Church, and may be a new experience for many. It is very fitting also to be at the beginning of Advent. It will be the beginning of a new year in the Church’s history, and, of course, is the beginning of a new stage in Peter’s own journey.
We will need extra altar servers – you are welcome from all 3 Churches. Fr Daniel Stanton will return to MC for this special occasion.
The Archbishop has decided that the Mass texts will be from the First Sunday of Advent.
To continue the celebration and welcome the new deacon, there will be a Bring-and-Share Lunch after the Mass in St Brigid’s Hall. Finger food (please) should be taken to the Hall before the Mass.
Please put the date in your diary – these events do not come around often! And watch for further details. Saturday 2 December 12 noon at St Brigid’s.
Fr Matthew