Parish register

Frequently asked questions

What is the parish register?  

A means of holding basic information about parishioners so that they can be contacted about emergency situations, events, changes in arrangements etc.  Also enabling parishioners to be contacted if there should be a period when church gatherings are suspended as happened during the Covid-19 pandemic

Why ChurchSuite?  

ChurchSuite has been developed specifically for use by churches and is widely used.  The cost is much lower than for commercial applications used by businesses and others and the features are designed for use by churches. Local users include St Philip Evans and All Saints Newport Parishes.

Who can register and what about children?  

Any parishioner aged 18 or over can register.  Once registered, parishioners can ask for their children’s details to be added.  This information will be held in a separate directory but with a link to the information for their parents and carers.

How will the information be stored and who will have access to it? 

Your information will be stored securely on ChurchSuite and the only people with access to it will be you or the designated administrators drawn from the 3 churches.  As of April 2024, these are Simon Williams, Marie O’Brien, Terry Jermyn and Marie Jaye. You can contact the administrators at

How is the register going to be used?   

To contact those on it about emergency situations or changes, for example buildings out of action, weather related issues, and changes to usual arrangements e.g. mass times or venues.  Also, to advise of forthcoming events.  Once members of groups are registered they will be able to use the system to contact one another and share information.

What information do I have to provide to be registered?  

Basic information required is name, email address, postal address, preferred telephone number (a mobile number will give us the option to send text messages in emergencies), birth year (not full date of birth) and primary church(es) attended.  The last will mean notifications not applicable to everyone can be targeted at the relevant people.

Can I provide additional information?   

Yes, there will be options to add for example details of parish groups and 3 churches groups you belong to; membership of other relevant organisations such as diocesan bodies or school links; activities you are interested in.

How do I change or remove my information?

This can be done at any time via the ChurchSuite website at  or the free mobile ChurchSuite app available for Android and IOS devices.

Will there be further development of the register?

Once the setting up phase is completed consideration will be given to using other applications available on ChurchSuite.

Further information

If you have any further questions you can contact