We are in the month of the Sacred Heart, and statues usually show Jesus with his arms open wide. This tells us of Our Lord’s love and care for all. Sadly our love and care does not always reflect this. Ten years ago, in chatting to some individuals, I became aware of one of the gaps in our caret, and here, ten years later, it’s a cause of great gladness to me that the group that came out of this is flourishing, and indeed is one of our biggest groups active among us – the Circle of Friends. Here, on the tenth anniversary of their beginnings, they tell us more about themselves, how they share the love of the Sacred Heart.
“The Circle of Friends was set up in the community of our 3 Churches in May 2007. Its purpose is to provide help and support to divorced, separated, widowed and single Catholics, and their friends. This it tries to do by:
- promoting the spiritual well-being of those Catholics who are divorced separated, widowed or single
- reaching out to those who are alone and providing support for one another in various and appropriate ways
- encouraging the social involvement of members in a variety of activities and providing the opportunity to meet people in similar circumstances
- facilitating appropriate support outside the group for members
- supporting various
The group meets once a month, and has an informal committee which includes a chairperson, treasurer, secretary and members. Members pay a small annual subscription to cover expenses so that the group is self-financing.
A full calendar of social events is organized by members: these include a Book Club, Walking Group, Cinema Group and Pub Quiz Team. The group is under the pastoral guidance of Father Matthew, and pastoral events have also been held and advertised in this newsletter. If you would like to learn more about the Circle of Friends then please contact Sue Peat (2076 2358) We look forward to hearing from you.”