Pope Francis on the internet
I sometimes in this newsletter refer to various websites, and I know people follow them up. However, I suspect many will think, “Well I haven’t got time for that.” But in the lazy hazy days of summer I would really like to recommend one for your browsing. It’s a large site called New Pilgrim Path www.newpilgrimpath.ie
It’s a huge resource coming from Ireland, a “portal” in internet language, beautifully put together and covering many aspects of our faith and its expression in the arts, music, liturgy, spirituality etc.
As their opening page says, Pope Francis describes the internet as “offering immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. This is truly good, a gift from God”. They hope that the site and the resources “help you as you seek encounter with the person of Christ, the Word of God in our midst.”
The menu gives an idea of what kind of thing you’ll find: Website of the Week; Music for July; Sacred Music; Poem of the Week; July Book of the Month; Daily Prayer; Inspiration; Online Retreats; Broadcast Resources.
Just taking “Sacred Music” as an example, I came across a spine-tingling setting of the Lord’s Prayer sung by Andrea Bocelli (not usually a huge fan) and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Another example: the “Inspiration” page will take you to Henri Nouwen, Daniel O’Leary and many, many other top writers of our time.
So – why not have a wander through the upside of the internet, and enjoy this “gift from God”