This Sunday is designated as Sea Sunday. It is the church’s annual day for remembering and giving thanks for the work of sailors who face some of the toughest conditions in order to transport food, fuel, people and goods around the globe.
A full tour of a ship once brought home to me the diversity of skills and abilities, as well as the level of dedication and team work required by a ship’s crew in order to safely sail the oceans.
The same diversity of gifts and commitment is also needed to keep a parish functioning effectively. And I would like to thank the many people from the 3 Churches who worked so hard to make my ordination to the priesthood at St Brigid’s such a wonderful and joyful occasion.
During the service some could be heard (if not seen) sharing their musical gifts, others shared their food and served the many guests, while others served by welcoming the congregation or by serving at the altar.
Not only were practical gifts shared, others prayed for me and there were many words of encouragement in the months leading up to my ordination. I am also grateful to all those who made a financial contribution towards the purchase of vestments and other ministry items which I will use to celebrate Mass within the hospital.
I am so grateful to God for the welcome and support my family and I have received over the past months from the 3 Churches. And especially for the way Canon Matthew has shared his ministry with me.
As we move forward together in faith, may all of us find where our gifts lie and use them for the common good, as together we sail towards our final destination.
Fr Peter Davies