Mass times will be as below, but to ensure social distancing and appropriate seating, all Easter Sunday Masses are by booking system only. To reserve a place at one of the Masses on that day please email, telephone, or text the appropriate booking co-ordinator listed below, stating the number and names of people in your family bubble group. Masses will resume their pre-lockdown pattern after Easter Sunday.
At Christ the King there will be two Masses at 9am and 10.30am on Easter Sunday, as there will be no Saturday evening Mass. In addition, when the number at CTK has reached capacity, further seats will be made available in the parish centre, where the Mass will be streamed on the screen.
Booking co-ordinators to reserve a place at one of the masses:
9am and 10.30am – Christ the King
Marie O’Brien, email, phone 02920 753945
9am – St Paul’s
Karen Sylvester, email, text 07876 032829
10.30am – St Brigid’s
Anne Burns, email, phone 02920 766318
Before that…
- PALM SUNDAY is next Sunday 28 March – please pick up palms for your home from the entrance areas of our 3 Churches from Wednesday 24 March of this week onwards
- HOLY WEEK streamed services from St Brigid’s will be on Maundy Thursday 1 April at 8pm
Good Friday (2 April )at 3pm and Holy Saturday (3 April) at 8pm also.